Sovanna Phan

I'm < />


Software Engineer

Greetings. I'm Sovanna, a scholarship student from Kirirom Institute of Technology, residing and learning here in Kirirom, Kampong Speu, Cambodia. I'm a creative, passionate, and enthusiastic individual who likes to learn new things and absolutely love to make new things. I would be the prefect candidate for any team in web design and development.

  • Phone number: (+855) 070 252 465
  • Address: Moung Ruessey, Battambang, Cambodia
  • Github: Phan Sovanna
  • Email:


Django (Django Rest Framework)100%
Vue (Tailwind css, Vuetify, Bootstrap)100%
Nuxt JS (Vuetify, Bootstrap)100%
C# (Windows Form)80%
Android Development (Flutter) 75%
Odoo (ERP system)80%
WordPress 50%
Spring Boot 70%
Computer Illiteracy 80%
Flask 80%
Laravel Framework 80%


Sovanna Phan

I am a hard working, honest individual, good timekeeper, always willing to learn new skills, friendly, helpful, and polite, have a good sense of humor, and able to listen effectively when solving problems. Obsess in learning new things. Learn from experiences.

  • Moung Ruessey,Battambang, Cambodia
  • (+855) 070 252 465


Bachelor of Software Engineering

2018 - present

Kirirom Institute of Technology, Kiriom, Cambodia

High School Diploma

2014 - 2017

Moung Ruessey High School, Battambang, Cambodia


Internship Software Engineering

2019 - present

Internal Virtual Company - KIT

was assigned into various projects with different experiences, team and skillsets.

Landing Page for Client Company

Aug 2021

Free Lancer

Designing Landing page with Vue, CSS, BootStrap5.


Web Development

Sep 2021 – Mar 2022

Internship - KIT

Half year experience with NuxtJS as well as Django Rest Framework, and Vueitfy. Developed system with full of functionalities logics and dashboards with supporting of existing components and library.

RCS Backend

Apr 2021 – May 2021

Internship - KIT

Supporting Back-end performance, fixing bugs, and with implement some functionality more to Back-end.

Machine Guidance System UIUX

Oct 2020 – Apr 2021

Internship - KIT

I was working as Front-end Developer and Back-end side. As a Front-end, I have developed the windows form application, which C# and DXFReader Framework to show the map of AutoCad (.dxf) on realtime.

As a Backend developer, I worked with management system application API from beginning until production. It's functions such as authentications, permissions, file accessing, and other requirements from managements.

Odoo Maintenance

Oct 2020 – Apr 2021

Internship - KIT

I have been internship as a junior developer for around 1 year. I have experienced with the maintenance of the ubuntu server, PostgreSQL database, Odoo server, and Odoo system. Ands I also have experienced with customizing the Odoo system on many modules bases on their business needs.



Moung Ruessey, Battambang, Cambodia


Sovanna Phan


Phan Sovanna